Saturday, January 25, 2014

Body Shop Colour Crush Eyeshadow in Sugar Gaze, Steel My Heart, Pink Crush and Mon Cherry

Weeeeell.... I should really be studying for my huge exam but why not post my first review first? So what I chose to review first was the easiest thing I could pull out of one of my three makeup bags (yeah clearly I'm obsessed), The Body Shop Colour Crush Eyeshadow! My friend bought these for me for Christmas so yeah I was really excited to try it out! I have the shades: Sugar Gaze, Steel My Heart, Pink Crush and Mon Cherry. I decided to review them separately so here we go! 

It's a very simple packaging, its alright I guess? Nothing extraordinary, nothing bad. It's just... average. 
First up, we have Sugar Gaze! It's a pearlescent white shimmer and it's really pigmented when you swirl your finger in the eyeshadow a couple times. I'm not sure if it's my complexion or the lack of primer I use when it comes to these eyeshadows but this one DEFINITELY does not apply as pigmented to the eye or even my arm (scroll down)

 Next we have Steel My Heart and it is my favourite out of these four shadows. It's a true metallic silver shade but also REALLY pigmented when you put your finger a few times unlike Sugar Gaze. It actually applies to my eyelids and arm with the same amount of pigment that you get when you swatch it too! This is a really nice shade to have in my collection and I can't wait to use it more often! One metallic shade down, so many more to collect ;)

 This next shade is probably my least favourite colour in the four my friend got me: Pink Crush. It's a light matte shade of pink (not sure what colour its technically called). When I swirl my finger in the eyeshadow a couple times, it comes out nicely pigmented and pink but once I swatch onto my arm or place it on my eyelid, it completely disappears! I'm not sure if its just because my skin tone has pink undertones but it just doesn't show up and that totally frustrates me cause its actually a really nice shade of pink.

The last shade I'm reviewing today is Mon Cherry. It's a nice plum shade which is mostly matte but there's a few specks of glitter in it. When I place my finger down to grab a swatch, it comes out with a decent amount of pigment. Similarly to Pink Crush however, it doesn't seem to hold on to my skin very well!

 So this is what happened when I swatched the colours on my arm (without primer) and as you can see, the third shade (Pink Crush) has almost completely disappeared! But this picture is also slightly butchered thanks to my camera because Mon Cherry looks slightly red in this photo and it definitely does NOT look like that in real life. Sugar Gaze is portrayed nicely but Steel My Heart also has been down-played cause it's much prettier in reality :(
In summary, the Body Shop Colour Crush Eyeshadows are really nice in consistency (OMG I FORGOT TO MENTION, THEY'RE SOOOO SILKY WHEN YOU TOUCH!) but however their quality is typical of an average drugstore product. In Canada, you can buy them for about $10 each (but I'm pretty sure my friend got them on sale) and although the texture is extremely nice, the actual colours would be better from a brand such as Maybelline and their Color Tattoo line, which happens to be cheaper. I also find that the pigment is much better when it comes to the colder shades but that may just be because of my skin tone. I don't think I would purchase these items again because there's not a large amount of colour that shows up on my eyelids but one or two are nice for anybody who would like to try and sample one of Body Shop's products.

Sugar Gaze: 4/5
Steel My Heart: 4.5/5
Pink Crush: 2/5
Mon Cherry: 3.5/5

[UPDATE]: The pigmentation in the shades is much better with primer underneath so you need the primer to get something out of it... (:

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